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Using Hardware Wallets on the Renec CLI

Signing a transaction requires a private key, but storing a private key on your personal computer or phone leaves it subject to theft. Adding a password to your key adds security, but many people prefer to take it a step further and move their private keys to a separate physical device called a hardware wallet. A hardware wallet is a small handheld device that stores private keys and provides some interface for signing transactions.

The Renec CLI has first class support for hardware wallets. Anywhere you use a keypair filepath (denoted as <KEYPAIR> in usage docs), you can pass a keypair URL that uniquely identifies a keypair in a hardware wallet.

Supported Hardware Wallets#

The Renec CLI supports the following hardware wallets:

Specify a Keypair URL#

Renec defines a keypair URL format to uniquely locate any Renec keypair on a hardware wallet connected to your computer.

The keypair URL has the following form, where square brackets denote optional fields:


WALLET_ID is a globally unique key used to disambiguate multiple devices.

DERVIATION_PATH is used to navigate to Renec keys within your hardware wallet. The path has the form <ACCOUNT>[/<CHANGE>], where each ACCOUNT and CHANGE are nonnegative integers.

For example, a fully qualified URL for a Ledger device might be:


All derivation paths implicitly include the prefix 44'/501', which indicates the path follows the BIP44 specifications and that any derived keys are Renec keys (Coin type 501). The single quote indicates a "hardened" derivation. Because Renec uses Ed25519 keypairs, all derivations are hardened and therefore adding the quote is optional and unnecessary.